Viewing: CoderDojo gets storytelling at Wee Write Family Day

CoderDojo gets storytelling at Wee Write Family Day

Last week Glasgow Libraries’ CoderDojo ran a Twine workshop at the Mitchell Library in the first of two Wee Write Family Day for Aye Write – Glasgow’s fantastic annual book festival.

Twine is an online tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. This means you can choose alternative paths to your stories, which can grow and grow as much as you like.  It’s a fun way to turn your story into a role-playing game.

Create as many story-lines and endings as you like
Learn how to add images to your story using code

The participants had a lot of fun creating their stories. Just have a look at the great selection of stories created so far.

Drop in to the next workshop and discover how to use computer code to write a story with lots of different endings, which you can put online for your friends to read.

Twine workshop at the Mitchell Library

Next workshop: Saturday 4th March

Location: Digital Making Space, 5th Floor, Mitchell Library

Time: Drop-in between 1pm and 4pm.  No need to book.

Age Range: 12-17, no previous coding experience needed

Cost: Free!